Sunday, April 15, 2007

Forget the "Islamic" bomb; it's now the "Sunni" v "Shiite" bomb...

Read all about. Just a few months ago, the political echelons on either side of the Atlantic divide were braving for the "Islamic" bomb that would vaporize us all, in the form of a nuclear weapon in the hands of the devilish mullahs in Iran. It's no longer the case now; it is now the specter of the "Sunni" bomb v the "Shiite" bomb, specifically referring to the new interest and drive on the parts of the Sunni governments in the Middle East, the despotic societies in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait and a number of other luminaries in this club, to get on the nuclear bandwagon and apply themselves and their scientific might, all of their ten physicists, to countering the ascend of the Shiite mullahs and their bomb in the region ("Eye on Iran, Rivals Pursuing Nuclear Power", New York Times, April 16, 2007).

Never mind the absurdity of such an astonishing claim, but we have seen similar sounding claims before, the trust of the issue is just desperate the situation with regard to the nuclear mullahs has become. The impotence of the EU3 and other international bodies, to some degrees the US, has allowed the Iranian mullahs to not only steal the show- do you remember the March UNSC resolution on Iran?- and modify the argument, but now the worry is how Iran's neighbor would do when the mullahs are even more menacing that they are now. The mullahs 10- the West 0.

We restate; to save the world, the region, and Iran, we must apply ourselves to countering the mullahs with those who know them the best and have felt their wrath the harshest; the Iranian opposition.


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