Sunday, April 01, 2007

Mullahs take on yet another weak Western leader ... the new "national right"

The recent capture of 15 British sailors & marines and the ensuing diplomatic and political grunt match between the UK, and the other Us (UN, EU, US) and the Iranian mullahs, has resulted in the following desperation utterance by the politically wounded British PM, Mr. Blair, "I really don't know why the Iranian regime keep doing this. All it does is enhance people's sense of disgust at captured personnel being paraded and manipulated in this way." (BBC News, March 30, 2007) Just what part of the mullahs' actions does Mr. Blair does not understand, is not clear; that the mullahs are unpredictable? that the mullahs are incapable of taking hostages? that the mullahs are known in the art of projecting of their troubles at home outwards and on the international scene?

The pattern is remarkably clear. First, the mullahs get into a international political hassle, next they focus in on a weak Western leader of any significance, take a few Western hostages- BTW, the only Western leader who has called the captured sailors "hostages" appears to be George Bush-, parade them in front of TV cameras, broadcast a few confessions, and then make the "the Iranian waterways" the new Iranian national right. You have to give it to the murderous mullahs. They know their realpolitiks. The other Iranian national right is the right to nuclear technology. Forget, the right to free speech, freedom of movement, assembly, free press, and all of those wishy washy stuff!

The mullahs are full aware of the fact that Blair is a wounded duck, internally in a fight to give up the premiership to Gordon Brown, who is a total unknown and reasonably inexperienced on the international scene, and externally due to his impotence and incompetence, in Iraq and now with Iran. With the new round of hostage crisis, one should expect the British PM to remain at the helm and become progressively weaker in his position, until the mullahs get their wish. At the moment, they seem to want the Brits to cough up an apology that they were indeed in the Iranian waters. This after, an elaborate show of precision technology- read GPS data- by the British government to prove its innocence.

Remember Jimmy Carter in 1980?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

11:43 PM, November 10, 2008  

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