I am the Fianancial Times and I'm afraid of the mullahs...
It is not exactly lost to those who study the international impact of the mullahs' actions, that the Fianancial Times is in the vanguard of appeasement. In an editorial on December 19, 2006, "Theocratic democracy", it suggests the choosing of the chameleon akhond, Rafsanjani, as being essential to weakening of the "conservatives", ala the mock-president Mr. Ahmadi-nejad. You see, the FT sees Mr. Rafsanjani on the camp of the "reformers", ala the other mock-president, Mr. Khatami. Just what exactly these people are reforming, is not made clear.
This is what FT calls theocratic democracy, although this is not the first time the phrase has been used in describing the dysfunctional mullahs. So much for old phrases. We're reminded and remind that back in 1844, a certain Joseph Smith, the founder of the Morman church and the spiritial advisor to Mitt Romney, who wants to become the next president of the US, ran for the US presidency, on a platform of "theodemocracy". It sounds familiar, does it not?
This is what FT calls theocratic democracy, although this is not the first time the phrase has been used in describing the dysfunctional mullahs. So much for old phrases. We're reminded and remind that back in 1844, a certain Joseph Smith, the founder of the Morman church and the spiritial advisor to Mitt Romney, who wants to become the next president of the US, ran for the US presidency, on a platform of "theodemocracy". It sounds familiar, does it not?
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