Thursday, June 01, 2006

New proposal to Iranian mullahs...

Yesterday, May 31, 2006, the US secretary of state, condoleezza Rice introduced a new American proposal and conditions for direct dialogue between the US and the terrorizing Iranian mullahs. This proposal which was provided in advance of its announcement, to Iran's UN representative in New York calls for "a verifiable suspension" of Iran's nuclear enrichment program, as well of returning to the implementation of the IAEA Additional Protocols, agreed to in 2003. This proposal was hailed, not surprising, by the clueless Europeans, as a step forward toward getting the Iranian mullahs to suspend and to good behavior.

On the surface, this looks like another episodic manifestation of "guns for hostages" (remember Iran-contra); the guns are the economic and political insentives, and the hostages are the mullahs nuclear triggers. This is what keeps the EU3 + Germany salivating. Notwithstanding this proposal appears to play to the hands of the mullahs and in particular, to the hands of the former executioner, Ahmadi-nejad, there are several aspects of this proposal, but not reported by the "unpopular press"; namley, the recognition that mullahs are the international bankers for terrorism, and "is
involved in violence in Iraq and it is undercutting the restoration of full sovereignty in Lebanon..." These issues by themselves, might prove to be what would prevent the mullahs from any move forward in this direction.

As the Wall Street Journal editorial writes, "
Good Luck." The article further questiones whether the Iranian opposition is being sacrified in proposing to the mullahs. We seriousely and sincerely hope not.


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